INR 1 Lac - 2.50 Lac / 1 Pcs

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Tensile strength, the maximum tensile force developed in a test specimen before rupture on a tensile test carried to rupture under prescribed conditions. Tensile strength (as used here) is the force per unit  width of test speciman.

Stretch, the maximum tensile strain developed in the test specimen before rupture in a tensile test carried to rupture under prescribed conditions. The stretch (or percentage elongation) is expressed as a percentage, i.e., one hundred times the ratio of the increase in length of the test specimen to the original test span.

Tensile energy absorption (TEA) the work done when a specimen is stressed to rupture in tension under prescribed conditions as measured by the integral of the tensile strength over the range of tensile strain from zero to maximum strain. The TEA is expressed as energy per unit area (test span x width) of test specimen.

Tensile stiffness, the ratio of tensile force per unit width to tensile strain with in the elastic region of the tensile strain relationship. The elastic region of the tensile strain relationship is the linear portion of the load elongation relationship up to the elastic limit. The elastic limit is the maximum tensile force above, which the load elongation relationship departs from linearity. (Tensile stiffness is numerically equivalent To E  Where E is the modulus of elasticity and is sample thickness).Breaking length, the calculated limiting length of a strip of uniform width, beyond which, if such a strip were suspended by one end, it would break of its own weight.

Horizontal Tensile Strength Tester meets the requirements laid down in the testing standards as per TAPPI standards

Technical Specifications :

  • Mains Supply - 220 Volts ±10%, 50 cycles (if not otherwise specified in your order and acknowledge by us)
  • Load Sensor - 50.0 kg. or depend on requirment
  • Measuring Range - 499.9N
  • Accuracy     - Better than ± 1% of force reading, but not better than ± 1 .
  • Display - lcd display
  • Clamps - Tightening clamps for 15 mm wide strips by pneumatic
  • Strip Dimension - 15 x 180 mm
  • Clamping length - 100 150,180 mm
  • Instrument Air - 300 kPa
  • Computer Output - com port to transfer the data on pc
  • Power Requirement - Capacity 300 Watt
  • Deformation Speed - Selected/Variable
  • Automatic return of platens after rapture
  • Electronic overload protection at load cell capacity.

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